Posts Tagged ‘death’

Rally by Takver

by Takver on flickr

“It” was the first woven fabric around 7000 – 8000 BCE and still is the most robust, durable, natural soft fiber on this planet. In 2727 BCE, the Chinese documented the use of “it” as a medication to treat a variety of health problems. Queen Victoria used “it” to relieve her menstrual cramps. “It” was brought to America in the same year Christopher Columbus discovered the New World. In 1619 A.D. farmers were required to grow “it”, by law. George Washington, the first president of America, grew “it” as a primary crop. The first two copies of The Declaration of Independence were written on “it”, as a paper. In 1840, medicines with “it” as a base were available in U.S. pharmacies. There are 1,000s of uses and products from “it.” In 1908, Henry Ford made his first Model T with “it”, as a plastic, and the car was fueled by “it”, as an alcohol. Now replace “it” with (more…)

The cause of war, destruction, death is humanity. I straight out hate humanity. I don’t like how we just take over everything like a virus, destroy everything, and then move on to the next. (more…)