Posts Tagged ‘nerd10101’


Will bills give Obama control of the Internet?

A pair of bills introduced in the U.S. Senate could grant the White House sweeping new powers to access private online data, regulate the cybersecurity industry and even shut down Internet traffic during a declared “cyber emergency.”

In this post I will basically review the components I used. I will rate them on installation difficulty(higher the stars the harder it is), the overall quality, and the exquisiteness of the products, and maybe a comment. (more…)

As you can tell by the title and from Part 1 of this post I am building a Gaming Computer. Here is the list of the guts that are going to be put in this awesome machine. (more…)

This December I will be designing and building a computer desktop gaming system. And you will be here the whole step of the way. The design priorities, components, and the information on the components and where I will be buying the components will be posted.

The cause of war, destruction, death is humanity. I straight out hate humanity. I don’t like how we just take over everything like a virus, destroy everything, and then move on to the next. (more…)

If you want the Joker badge or if you don’t and want infinite simoleans this post will show you how to have both. I warn you though, it will take the fun out of the game. If you want to know how to get the joker badge. Else, follow steps.

Have fun with this new addition to my viral videos.

This is numero dos post for my viral videos. Hopefully you liked the last viral video post and I hope you like this post as much as or more than the last.

Tired of paying those outrageous cable or satellite subscriptions. Well I have a solution to your problem. Get rid of that service and use a new and better one that is free or costs way less then what you have now.

This is not an advertisement (more…)

You know Tomb Raider right? The sexy virtual girl has a new counterpart. I present to you (more…)